Ice cream mochi

I made ice cream mochi. I made the ice cream with Chris and the mochi with Jen. It was funny because the mochi look like play doh.
6 responses
Oh awsome. Amazing color. Great but its this good ? Looks like candies
Incredible! Is it hard to do? So your gonna come home a cook :))) Can’t wait to see you xxxx
It look so good . Do you deliver because I would have an order for you. Bring some when you come back Gran pop’s 👍 Yves Le 27 août 2022 à 14:53, Posthaven Posts a écrit : 
Wow! I didn’t know it was possible to make mochis at home! Those are hard to find at the grocery stores. You will need to show me how you made them! My favorites are chocolate mochis. Which flavor did you make? Straw berries? We’re they good?
This luck like you Will Have to do some more at home.
Wow! That's amazing Éloïse! They look really great. I love mochis, you will have to prepare them when we see each other again.