The camping at Banff

We went camping at Banff and that was really fun.  Lyndon and I made a fire and it was funny. After we made a fire, I made a dagger. The next day we went hiking at lake Louise and that was cool. At the top of the mountain Lyndon and I skipped some rocks and I made the best score for 25 jumps.   After we put some snow on Dominic's neck and that was the best part of the weekend. Then, we made the foot challenge in Lake Louise and I made the world record of the shortest time. 
8 responses
Wow will that’s awesome! I really love your photo with the tree aha but…..where’s REX?
Also, how much time did you put your foot in the water?
What!!! There is still some snow in Calgary!!! Today we started our road trip to Memphis, our first stop is Niagara Falls. Don’t think there will be a snow😆 Have fun during camp
Nice dagger! Did you use it to hunt in the woods? Hope Gen and Dom brought some food! Not sure you would have eaten your prey for dinner! Hahaha! Nice pictures, looks like you are having fun!
This aventure is quite différente from what you do at home. This is fantastique. I say that you rent shoes from oncle Dom. You Have the same size? What the lac on your picture? Hope you enjoy. I went with Benoit in Montréal to see a band of The Tea Party and it way very good show.
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